Saveera Enterprises

Health & Safety Vegetable

Saveera Enterprises was initially established in 1980 with the name of Al-Aman Foods and it mainly focused on blending of spices, preparation of recipe masala for various customers in Pakistan.

Export of fresh fruits, vegetables, spices and other food stuff.


About Us

Saveera Enterprises was initially established in 1980

Saveera Enterprises was initially established in 1980 with the name of Al-Aman Foods and it mainly focused on blending of spices, preparation of recipe masala for various  customers in Pakistan.

Later on Saveera Enterprises was incorporated in 2018 with extension of the previous line of business and obtained wide cultivated area of fresh fruits and vegetables on contract basis. Further, it has also obtained various processing plants on lease agreement. Apart from this, we have our own manufacturing unit for blending and processing of various spices in Karachi – Pakistan.


What Clients Say About Our Services

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